SMART members from across the United Sates and Canada are taking action in the I Got Your Back Challenge by posting photos of themselves with their mentors at work and displaying the solidarity that makes our Union strong. The I Got Your Back Campaign took off this August with stickers distributed to locals across North America for members to share with their mentors. Below are a few of the submissions the Journal has received. Contact your Business Manager or a local officer for a sticker to share with your fellow members and post your photos and stories online with the hashtag #SMARTIGOTYOURBACK You can also email your stories and photos to “This dude right here, Steve ‘El Duderino’ Hoover is who I want to hand off the Local 9 Union sticker ‘I Got Your Back’ to. I met Steve 4 years ago in the field, and he’s become a brother to me. Steve is not only a hard-working family man and veteran but he’s also a man of God, a warrior, and a philosopher. Our conversations about life, love and the pursuit of the American dream have got me through my hardest times. Having him on jobs has not only uplifted my spirit but the spirit of others. He attends Local 9 Union meetings and always pushes for “what could be better.” Today, we both received layoffs due to work reduction, and instead of panic or concern, we went and had coffee and laughed about how great God has been to both of us, looking, with generosity, to the future. Steve has my back, and I got his, not only as Union brothers, but as brothers in God, and brothers of this crazy thing we call life. Love you, Steve. I got your back.” SM LU 27 (Central and Southern NJ) journeyperson Makenzie Cromer at work for Gerard Sheet Metal. She’s been with the company since day 1 and an apprentice contest winner as well. SMART Local 177 sheet metal workers David LaRue & Aida Kruse have each others’ backs and those of their fellow brothers and sisters. SMART Local 18 Wausau members Kelsie Rigney and Bill Smith.
SMART Local 18 sheet metal workers at JM Brennan on the St. Camillus new retirement housing high rise have each others’ backs:
Apprentice Caleb Ogden w/ Journeyman Luke Hesse. SMLT Nick Caulley w/ Apprentice Dylan Mooney and Foreman Ben Norberg. Apprentice Jesse Matusek w/ Journeymen Pat Kirschbaum and Jerry Krause.