The International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation (SMART) Railroad, Mechanical and Engineering Department (MD) members employed on BNSF, CSX-T and Norfolk Southern Railway have voted to ratify their respective collective bargaining agreements (CBAs). Members voted in favor of the CBAs by 69% (BNSF), 68% (CSX) and 62% (NS).
With these agreements ratified, SMART-MD members employed by BNSF, CSX-T and NS have secured healthcare stability and annual wage increases through December 31, 2029.
The CBAs on each respective rail carrier are essentially identical, consisting of a five-year term that provides for annual general wage increases (GWI) that average out to 3.5% per year, improvements for paid vacation, as well as improvements to health and welfare benefits without changing the employee monthly cost-share contribution of 15% of the carriers’ monthly payment rate. The CBAs also resulted in the creation of new benefit design for employees that desire to have employee-only coverage under a high deductible health plan at a reduced employee monthly cost-share contribution.
“GWIs of 18.8% compounded are almost unheard of in the freight industry, especially on a voluntary basis without concessions,” said General Committee 2 Directing General Chairperson John McCloskey. “I appreciate BNSF, CSX and NS negotiating with SMART-MD in good faith and allowing us the opportunity to engage with the members throughout the ratification process.”
“Thank you to the members that took the time to educate themselves about their agreement, and that participated in the ratification process. We are glad to have resolved negotiations with these major freight railroads. The remaining rail carriers need to follow the pattern that has been established by BNSF, CSX-T and NS,” added SMART-MD Director Peter Kennedy.
“The members have passed their verdict on the agreements with BNSF, CSX-T and NS, with more than 60% voting in favor for each carrier,” said SMART General President Michael Coleman. “I am grateful for the determination and advocacy of the SMART-MD negotiating team, and I appreciate the leadership at BNSF, CSX-T and NS for resolving the next round of national negotiations without dragging out the bargaining process for years. I am glad these railroads recognized that our members deserve to be compensated fairly with wage increases coming to them in real time, rather than years after the fact.”
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