RRB releases schedule of spring pre-retirement seminars

February 13, 2023

Union officials, auxiliary members and their spouses as well as rail employees and spouses within five years of retirement are welcome to attend one of a series of Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) pre-retirement seminars.

The spring schedule is as follows:

April 28, 2023Courtyard by Marriott, 14635 Baldwin Park Towne Center, Baldwin Park, Calif.
May 05, 2023AJC Federal Building, 1240 E 9th Street, 31st Floor Auditorium, Cleveland, Ohio
May 12, 2023Eugene T. Mahoney State Park, 28500 West Park Hwy., Ashland, Neb.
May 19, 2023US Customs House, 721 19th Street, First Floor Room 181, Denver, Colo.
June 9, 2023Richard Boling Federal Building, 601 E. 12th Street, Room G-64 (Cafe Conference Room), Kansas City, Mo.
June 23, 2023Tinley Park Convention Center, 18451 Convention Center Drive, Tinley Park, Ill.
Spring 2023 Railroad Retirement Board pre-retirement seminar schedule.

While most of the program focuses on various aspects of Railroad Retirement benefits, each seminar closes with a brief presentation on railroad unemployment and sickness benefits to help prepare union officers for sharing reliable information with members.

How to register

Online registration is required to ensure accommodations and materials for all attendees. 

Security screening is required for seminars hosted inside any federal buildings. Bring a current, valid photo ID (issued by state/federal government); no weapons permitted. 

Attendees are encouraged to bring original records (or certified copies) of documents required to file a Railroad Retirement application (such as proof of age, marriage, or military service), along with an additional copy of each item to leave with field service staff. 

Visit RRB.gov/PRS to register.

Select your local seminar from the schedule listed, click the register button, enter your infor­mation, and hit submit.

To RSVP on paper instead: select your local seminar from the schedule listed, find the blank registration form (PDF) to print and complete, then mail or fax it to your local RRB field office. Contact information for each office hosting a seminar is accessible through the Field Office Locator at RRB.gov.

Event details and registration will be available approximately 70 days in advance of each seminar, and registration will be closed for any seminar that reaches capacity.

Please inform RRB if you sign up for a seminar and become unable to attend.