RRB 2010 earnings forms to be mailed in June

May 23, 2011

The Railroad Retirement Board will mail to railroad workers in June their annual Certificate of Service Months and Compensation (Form BA-6), showing creditable railroad service and compensation for 2010.

If you do not receive this Form BA-6 by July 1, or if you find the information to be incorrect or incomplete, contact your nearest Railroad Retirement Board field office by calling the RRB’s toll-free hotline at (877) 772-5772.

In checking the 2010 compensation total, be aware that only annual earnings up to $106,800 were creditable for Railroad Retirement purposes in that year. That is the annual maximum on which Railroad Retirement Tier I taxes are paid and for which income is credited for Railroad Retirement benefits calculations.

Form BA-6 also shows the number of months of verified military service creditable as service under the Railroad Retirement Act.