Every year, thousands of railroad employees are injured or killed on the job. When this happens, the railroads retain skilled claim agents and attorneys to protect their interests. They put their legal knowledge to work — taking photographs, obtaining statements from witnesses, collecting measurements.
These agents and attorneys work for the railroad, not for you. But as a railroad employee, if you are injured on the job, you have powerful rights under the federal law known as the Federal Employers’ Liability Act (FELA).
In response to railroads hiring skilled claim agents and attorneys to protect their interests, SMART Transportation Division has chosen experienced and successful trial lawyers as its Designated Legal Counsel (DLC) and recommends these lawyers to its members and their families when injured or killed on the job.
These lawyers are specialists in handling FELA claims and are fully experienced in dealing with trained railroad claim agents and railroad lawyers. Members should seek their counsel and advice at the earliest opportunity if they feel they have a potential FELA case against a railroad. Always remember that the railroad claim agent is just that — an agent for the railroad. A SMART TD Designated Legal Counsel is YOUR agent, and their job is to represent the member. They are on your side.
And remember, a non-designated lawyer does not have any obligation to your union and is not answerable to SMART Transportation Division.
Our DLCs offer free consultations to SMART TD members.
The SMART Transportation Division Designated Legal Counsel are listed by the state in which their home office is located. Although there may not be a designated legal counsel office located in each state, many of these attorneys are licensed to practice in states outside of their home state.
F. Tucker Burge
Burge & Burge, P.C.
Website: www.burge-law.com
2001 Park Place, Ste. 1350
Birmingham, AL 35203
(205) 251-9000
(205) 410-9850 (cell)
(800) 633-3733
(205) 323-0512 fax
Email: tucker@burge-law.com
Michael D. Blalock
Blalock & Blalock, P.C.
Website: www.blalock.com
1232 Blue Ridge Blvd.
P.O. Box 26365
Hoover, AL 35226
(205) 823-8088
(205) 999-8434 (cell)
(800) 433-3352
(888) 304-1852 fax
Email: mdb@blalock.com
Lloyd L. “Chip” Rabb III
Legal Counsel Emeritus
Rabb & Rabb, P.L.L.C.
Website: www.1stinjurylaw.com
7442 N. La Cholla Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85741
(520) 888-6740
(520) 444-1928 (cell)
(800) 354-3352
(520) 327-0651 fax
Email: lrabb@firstinjurylaw.com
Jay A. Kaplan
Kaplan Law Corporation
Website: www.Kaplanlawcorp.com
1901 Ave. of the Stars, 19th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90067
(562) 372-0506
(323) 304-2744 (cell)
(800) 552-7526
Email: jkaplan@kaplanlawcorp.com
Anthony S. Petru
Hildebrand, McLeod & Nelson, LLP
Website: www.hmnlaw.com
5335 College Ave., Suite 5A
Oakland, CA 94618
(510) 451-6732
(510) 701-1110 (cell)
(800) 689-7066
(800) 447-7500 U.S.
(800) 448-7575 CA only
(510) 465-7023 fax
Email: petru@hmnlaw.com
Howard A. Spier
Rossman, Baumberger, Reboso & Spier P.A.
Website: www.rbrlaw.com
Dadeland Centre One
9155 S. Dadeland Blvd., Ste. 1200
Miami, FL 33156
(305) 373-0708
(954) 610-0454 (cell)
(800) 775-6511
(305) 577-4370 fax
Email: spier@rbrlaw.com
Michael J. Warshauer
Warshauer Law Group, P.C.
Website: www.warlawgroup.com
2740 Bert Adams Rd. NW
Atlanta, GA 30339
(404) 892-4900
(888) 879-7300
(404) 307-4682 (cell)
(404) 892-1020 fax
Email: mjw@warlawgroup.com
Daniel J. Downes
Cavanagh Law Group
Website: cavanaghlawgroup.com
161 N. Clark St. Ste 2070
Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 425-1900
(800) 624-2121 direct
(312) 953-5839 cell
(312) 425-1904 fax
Email: dan@cavanaghlawgroup.com
Robert E. Harrington III
Dunn Harrington LLC
Website: www.dunnharrington.com
22 W. Washington St., Ste. 1500
Chicago, IL 60602
(773) 704-7088
(773) 704-7088 (cell)
(312) 548-7221
(855) 500-FELA (3352)
(312) 548-7223 fax
Email: reh@dunnharrington.com
F. Daniel Petro
Petro & Harrington, LLC
Website: www.petroharrington.com
150 S. Wacker Dr., Ste. 2400
Chicago, IL 60606
(312) 332-9596
(847) 239-2001 (cell)
(800) 472-5729
Email: fdpetro@petroharrington.com
Benjamin P. Tobin
Pratt & Tobin, P.C.
Website: www.prattandtobin.com
150 S. Bellwood Dr.
East Alton, IL 62024
(618) 259-8011
(618) 581-1940 (cell)
(800) 851-5562 or (877) 851-5562
(618) 259-6793 fax
Email: btobin@prattandtobin.com
John P. Kujawski
Kujawski & Associates
Website: https://kujawskiassociates.com
1331 Park Plaza Dr., Ste. 2
O’Fallon, IL 62269
(618) 622-3600
(618) 407-1300 (cell)
(618) 622-3700 (fax)
Email: twyatt@kujawskiassociates.com
William J. McMahon
Hoey and Farina P.C.
Website: www.hoeyfarina.com
444 W. Lake Street, Suite 1700
Chicago, IL 60606
(312) 939-1212
(312) 388-2881 (cell)
Email: wmcmahon@hoeyfarina.com
Michael C. Terranova
Cogan & Power, P.C.
Website: www.coganpower.com
1 East Upper Wacker Dr., 38th floor
Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 685-8432 (cell)
(312) 477-2530 direct
(312) 477-2501 fax
Email: mterranova@coganpower.com
Carisa G. Oden
Poolson | Oden Injury Lawyers
Website: www.poolsonoden.com
One Lakeway
3900 N. Causeway Blvd, Ste. 680
Metairie, LA 70002
Office: 504-766-2200
Cell: (504) 606-7470
Fax: 504-766-2070
Toll free: 833-505-2122
Email: carisa@poolsonoden.com
Ben Saunders
Davis, Saunders & Miller, PLC
Website: www.davissaunders.com
450 N. Causeway Blvd, Ste. D
Mandeville, LA 70448
(985) 612-3070
(504) 616-8043 (cell)
(800) 321-7815
(985) 612-3072 fax
Email: benbsaunders@aol.com
P. Matthew Darby
East Coast FELA Law Firm | Darby Law Group, LLC
Website: https://www.therailroadlawyer.com/
201 International Circle, Ste. 500
Hunt Valley, MD 21030
(833) 601-7245
(410) 340-5935 (cell)
Email: matt@darby-lawgroup.com
Robert T. Naumes
Naumes Law Group
Website: www.naumeslaw.com
2 Granite Ave., Ste. 425
Milton, MA 02186
(617) 227-8444
(617) 820-4987 (cell)
(844) 826-8445
(617) 227-1270 fax
Email: robert@naumeslaw.com
Fredric Bremseth
Bremseth Law Firm PC
Website: www.bremseth.com
601 Carlson Parkway, Ste. 1050
Minnetonka, MN 55305
(952) 475-2800
(612) 799-5535 (cell)
(800) 545-3733
(952) 475-3879 (fax)
Email: fbremseth@bremseth.com
Joseph Sayler
Bolt Law Firm
Website: www.BoltLawFirm.com
2150 Third Avenue N, Suite 350
Anoka, MN 55303
(763) 406-7000
(651) 238-3219 (cell)
Email: joseph.sayler@boltlawfirm.com
Cortney S. LeNeave
Hunegs, LeNeave & Kvas
Website: www.hlklaw.com
1000 Twelve Oaks Center Dr., Ste. 101
Wayzata, MN 55391-4707
(612) 339-4511
(612) 308-2157 (cell)
(800) 328-4340
(612) 339-5150 fax
Email: cleneave@hlklaw.com
Michael F. Tello
Bolt Hoffer Boyd Law Firm
Website: www.bolthofferboydlawfirm.com
2150 Third Avenue North, Ste. 350
Anoka, MN 55303
(763) 406-7000
(612) 251-6080 (cell)
(763) 208-3607 fax
Email: michael.tello@bolthoffer.com
Gene C. Napier
Hunegs, LeNeave & Kvas
Website: www.hlklaw.com
1712 Main St., Ste. 266
Kansas City, MO 64108
12200 Catalina
Leawood, KS 66209
(913) 484-3884
(913) 451-0941
Email: gnapier1947@yahoo.com
Jerome J. Schlichter
Schlichter, Bogard & Denton, L.L.P.
Website: www.uselaws.com
100 S. Fourth St., Ste. 1200
St. Louis, MO 63102
(314) 621-6115
(314) 497-5480 (cell)
(800) 873-5297
(314) 621-7151 fax
Email: jschlichter@uselaws.com
Andrew J. Thompson
Shapero & Roloff Co., L.P.A.
Website: www.shaperoroloff.com
1111 Superior Ave. East, Ste. 1310
Cleveland, OH 44114
(216) 781-1700
(440) 785-3973 (cell)
(800) 321-9199
(216) 781-1972 fax
Email: athompson@shaperoroloff.com
Patrick J. Donoghue
Godwin Hurley Donoghue, LLP
Website: www.godwinhurleydonoghue.com
1234 Delaware Ave., Ste. 200
Buffalo, NY 14209
(716) 267-6258
(716) 998-6413 (cell)
(716) 235-2500 fax
Email: pdonoghue@godwinhurleylaw.com
Marc Wietzke
Flynn & Wietzke, PC
Website: www.felaattorney.com
1205 Franklin Ave.
Garden City, NY 11530
(516) 877-1234
(732) 533-7383 (cell)
(516) 877-1177 fax
Email: MWietzke@FELAattorney.com
Robert E. Myers
Coffey, Kaye, Myers & Olley
Website: https://ckmo.com
Two Bala Plaza, Ste. 718
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004-1514
(610) 668-9800
(610) 348-6713 (cell)
(800) 334-2500
(610) 667-3352 fax
Email: rmyers@ckmo.com
Samuel J. Rosenthal
The Rosenthal Firm
1845 Walnut St., Ste. 2350
Philadelphia, PA 19103
(215) 923-8900
(800) 233-7101
(215) 351-0593 fax
Email: srosenthal@rosenthalfirm.net
Email: ssrosen2@gmail.com
Scotty MacLean
MacLean Law Firm, P.C.
Website: www.macleanfirm.com
4916 Camp Bowie Blvd.
Fort Worth, TX 76107
(817) 529-1000
(817) 900-3897 (cell)
(888) 474-1011
Email: smaclean@macleanfirm.com
Sara Youngdahl
Coordinator, Designated Legal Counsel
The Youngdahl Law Firm, P.C.
Website: www.youngdahl.com
4203 Montrose Blvd., Ste. 280
Houston, TX 77006
(281) 804-7148
(281) 996-0750
(281) 996-0725 fax
Email: syoungdahl@youngdahl.com
Clint McGuire
Martinez & McGuire, PLLC
Website: www.mmtriallawyers.com
17227 Mercury Dr., Ste. B
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 286-9100
(832) 641-2325 (cell)
(281) 286-9105 fax
Email: clint@mmtriallawyers.com
Marc A. Zito
Jones Granger, Attorneys at Law
Website: www.jonesgranger.com
10000 Memorial Dr., Ste. 888
P.O. Box 4340
Houston, TX 77210
(713) 668-0230
(281) 748-3041 (cell)
(800) 231-3359
(713) 956-7139 fax
Email: mzit@jonesgranger.com
Willard J. Moody Jr.
The Moody Law Firm
Website: www.moodyrrlaw.com
500 Crawford Street, Ste. 200
P.O. Box 1138
Portsmouth, VA 23704
(757) 393-4093
(757) 576-1293 (cell)
(800) 368-1033
(757) 397-7257 fax
Email: will@moodyrrlaw.com
James K. Vucinovich
Rossi Vucinovich P.C.
Website: www.railroad-injuries.com
1000 Second Ave., Ste. 1420
Seattle, WA 98104
(425) 646-8003
(206) 963-6762 (cell)
(866) 357-7245
(800) 325-4014
(425) 646-8004 fax
Email: jvucinovich@rvflegal.com
Nicholas D. Thompson
Casey Jones Law Firm
Website: www.caseyjoneslaw.com
525 Junction Rd, Suite 6500
Madison, WI 53717
(757) 477-0991 (cell)
Email: nthompson@caseyjones.law
1. All Designated Legal Counsel (DLC) shall agree as a condition of becoming or remaining a DLC that they will be subject to and fully comply with the Rules of Conduct. Each DLC shall, as a condition of becoming or remaining a DLC, specifically in writing waive any and all recourse to any court of law or any tribunal to challenge any action of the officers and agents of SMART which in any way relates to the DLC program. All notices to SMART required by these rules shall be given to the office of the General President via email to aalexander@smart-union.org. The General President’s office will distribute the notice to the General President, the President Transportation Division, and the members of the Board of Ethics. A chart of required notices appears at the end of these rules.
2. The DLC designation is only for the attorney and not for the firm. However, any other attorneys or staff in the firm that do work for SMART members on FELA, Railroad Retirement Board and Federal Railroad Safety Act claims will be held bound to these rules. DLC may not transfer their designation to another attorney. Designations may only be made, continued or revoked by the General President and the President Transportation Division.
3. All DLC shall agree as a condition of becoming or remaining SMART Designated Legal Counsel that they will comply with and be subject to the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, as well as the applicable state-law professional responsibility rules and canons for the jurisdictions in which they practice.
4. The agents of the Union, its officers, staff and representatives, have a duty to exercise their authority solely on behalf of and for the benefit of SMART and its members. These individuals must set aside their personal interests and act in the best interests of the Union and its members. No prospective or current DLC shall aid or abet anyone in the violation of their fiduciary duty.
5. Because any agent of SMART must make each decision based solely on the best interests of the union, it is necessary that the agent be free of improper outside influences that would interfere with an ordinary person’s objectivity in making the decision. No prospective or current DLC shall offer to or attempt to improperly influence any decision of an agent of SMART.
6. SMART officers are prohibited from asking any DLC for money for any purpose, and DLC are barred from giving SMART officers money for any purpose. Any DLC solicited for a payment or contribution by any SMART officer, staff member, employee or member must immediately report in writing the details of such, including the date, time and amount of the solicitation, to SMART. This is in addition to and not a substitute for any other legal or ethical requirement that may attach. One minor exception exists that allows a DLC to cover the cost of inexpensive refreshments (e.g., pizza, etc.) when attending a union meeting to educate members about their legal rights. DLC should be available and willing to attend local meetings to answer questions concerning FELA and related laws.
7. No DLC, under any circumstances or at any time, shall become involved in union politics. DLC shall not in any manner or fashion participate or engage in, including by supporting or opposing any candidate, any SMART elections, including International, General Committee, State Legislative Board, and Local Union Elections. Any request by a SMART member to a DLC for a political contribution for a union election is strictly prohibited. Similarly, any DLC providing any political contribution for a union election of any kind, including, without limitation, anything of value, such as money, goods, services or entertainment to or on behalf of a candidate for union office, is absolutely prohibited. Any such solicitation must be immediately reported to SMART.
8. The employment of or provision of office space, equipment or supplies to full-time SMART elected officers, staff or employees is prohibited.
9. Under no circumstances is a referral fee to be paid to any SMART member or union officer who recommends the DLC to an injured employee. DLC shall notify SMART immediately if such a fee is requested. As provided in ABA Model Rule 5.4: “A lawyer or law firm shall not share legal fees with a non-lawyer.”
10. DLC and members of their firm must be willing to give advice concerning the rights and liabilities of SMART members for on-the-job injuries under FELA and related laws. DLC and members of their firm must be willing to give such advice either by telephone or by interview and at no cost to the SMART member, and should return all members’ calls relating to such issues.
11. A DLC may charge a contingency fee of not more than 25 percent of the recovery, exclusive of costs, for cases involving a SMART member concerning an on-the-job injury under FELA and related laws. In the event that it is necessary to file suit regarding that matter, the DLC may charge a contingency fee of not more than 33 percent, exclusive of costs.
12. Academy of Rail Labor Attorneys (ARLA) membership is required of all DLC.
13. DLC and members of their firm must be willing to handle all actionable injury cases, not only those of high potential recovery. They must also be willing to handle related matters on an injured member’s behalf at the Railroad Retirement Board and actionable claims under the Rail Safety Improvement Act.
14. Any civil, criminal, administrative or bar complaint, investigation or proceeding commenced against a DLC shall be immediately reported to SMART.
15. If a state bar association or other body recommends a finding that a DLC or a member of their firm violated ethical or bar disciplinary obligations or committed legal malpractice, or if such violations are found by any court or other adjudicatory body, the DLC shall immediately notify SMART.
16. DLC should immediately advise SMART prior to any significant change in the membership of their firms (e.g., in the case of mergers, consolidations, departures, etc.). Furthermore, DLC shall provide SMART with prompt written notice if they retire; if they leave their current law firm under any other circumstances; or if they stop handling FELA cases.
17. The failure to comply with any of these rules shall be cause for sanctions up to and including immediate revocation of the DLC designation by the General President and President Transportation Division and, in the case of SMART members, referral to the General President and President Transportation Division for corrective action consistent with the SMART Constitution.
18. Any complaint concerning alleged violation of the Rules of Conduct shall be forwarded in writing to SMART.
DLC shall report the following events to the office of the General President via email to aalexander@smart-union.org. Please see the cited rules for additional detail.
What Every Railroader Should Know, written by Lawrence Mann, rail safety coordinator to SMART Transportation Division’s Designated Legal Counsel (DLC), is an extensive and comprehensive survey of federal railroad safety law as it pertains to rail workers and is essential reading for TD members concerned about how the law protects them.
Mann, who has served as rail safety coordinator for the DLC since the position was created in 2008, has been recognized by peers as the “nation’s foremost authority on railroad safety legislation and regulation.”
He has given SMART Transportation Division permission to distribute his 700-plus page book via PDF on the TD website.
Become a SMART Member
Take the next step on your journey towards a rewarding career. Learn how you can become a SMART member.
Member Voices
Hear about the union directly from SMART members themselves.
Longtime Amtrak conductor Carol Jones — who is also a local chairperson with SMART TD Local 1361 out of New Haven, Conn. — shares her story of coming up in the transportation industry and working as a pioneering woman in the passenger rail sector.