Members planning to attend one or both of the SMART Transportation Division regional meetings this summer can now make reservations for either city.
Click here to register online for the San Francisco regional meeting. Click here to register online for the Chicago regional meeting. Click here for the mail-in registration form.
Regional meeting registration is available online now by going to the Meetings page and clicking on the respective city. Hotel information can be accessed by visiting and clicking on the “Meetings” box on the bottom of the homepage. Links to the host hotels, city visitor bureaus, and online car-rental are also available.
Regional meetings will be held July 4-6 in San Francisco and July 25-27 in Chicago.
Each regional meeting will run for 2.5 days, ending early on the afternoon of the third day. The evening of the first day has been left unscheduled so you, your family and friends will be free to explore and enjoy the many offerings of the regional meeting cities.
All those attending the regional meetings must be registered in order to attend any planned social function. Children ages 11 and under who are pre-registered are complimentary.
The pre-registration fee for the 2016 regional meetings is $150 per member, spouse or child over age 11, the same fee charged the last eight years. Additional fees apply for the golf outings and family tours. You must make your own room reservations, and certain deadlines apply.
The $150 registration fee covers all workshop materials; a welcoming reception the night before the meeting; three lunches and one evening meal. Those wishing to attend only the workshops do not need to pay the registration fee. No one-day registrations are offered.
You may cancel your meeting registration 10 days prior to the first day of the meeting or the golf outing without penalty. Call the SMART Transportation Division at (216) 228-9400 or email immediately regarding any changes or cancellations.
If you choose to register by mail, you must submit a completed registration form listing each attendee, regardless of age. Complete payment in U.S. funds must be received at the SMART Transportation Division, 24950 Country Club Blvd., Suite 340, North Olmsted, OH 44070-5333, by June 19 for the San Francisco meeting or by July 3 for the Chicago meeting, or the registrant will be charged an on-site registration fee of $200.
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