This year’s annual open enrollment for active railroad employees covered by the National Railroad Health & Welfare plans (NRC-UTU and GA 23000) may be completed online during September and October.
You start the open enrollment process by going to the “Alerts and Important Dates” section on the Railroad Information Depot home page ( During the open enrollment period in September and October, you can link directly into the railroad enrollment services secured portal.
The new web-based open enrollment period will be available 24/7, and will provide the following capabilities:
• Step-by-step review of personalized benefit election choices with links to everything needed to enroll for the upcoming year.
• Links to your medical provider’s network.
• A quick and easy way to update your information.
• The ability to add, delete, and/or change dependent information. (If you’re adding a dependent who is not listed, you will be required to send in the specified documentation before the dependent can be added to the plan. Information on what is needed and where to send it will be provided on the site.)
• The option to review enrollment information in Spanish.
• Flexibility to make multiple changes during the open enrollment period.
• An immediate confirmation statement once you complete your selections.
If you use the online portal, there is no need to mail any paper enrollment forms.
Additional information will be mailed to eligible railroad workers in September by Railroad Enrollment Services.
For those unable to enroll online, instructions on how to obtain a paper kit will be in the September mailing. You will not need to access the Railroad Enrollment Services portal if you elect to keep your current benefit options for the 2013 calendar year or do not choose to opt out.
For assistance with the online enrollment website, call Railroad Enrollment Services at (800) 753-2692.
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