The Ohio State Legislative Board is pleased to announce a great new tool with the recent addition to the website:
Ohio Legislative Action Center
This is the first ‘State Specific’ – Legislative Action Center within SMART TD State Legislative Boards.
This is the same tool that you can use to access Congress on the SMART TD News website to:
- Write Members of Congress in support of a federal issue
- Call your Members of Congress in support of a federal issue
- Sign a Petition for a federal issue
- Write a Letter to the Editor
- Compose tour Own Message to Congress
- Find your Elected Officials
With the Ohio Legislative Action Center, you can use all of those tools to weigh in on key issues, understand what our issues are, and where we stand on those Issues. You will have the ability to find your House Representative and State Senator to write and call, and let them know how you feel.
Using the SoftEdge platform – Ohio Legislative Action Center offers our members, retirees and their families a comprehensive grassroots advocacy platform that is easy to use, and has up-to-date information on members of the Ohio Legislature.
Become a grassroots advocate for the Ohio State Legislative Board & the SMART TD by going to Click on the heading: Ohio Legislative Action Center
You can then scroll through the issues that concern us:
Home Issues Directory Bills Votes Elections Media
HB 583 – Collective Bargaining
Please contact your Representative and tell them not to support HB 583:
To remove any requirement under the Public Employees Collective Bargaining Law that public employees join or pay dues to any employee organization, to prohibit public employers from requiring public employees to join or pay dues to any employee organization, to prohibit an employee organization from being required to represent public employees who are not members of the employee organization, and to make an appropriation.
HB 377 – Union Dues
Please contact your Representative and tell them not to support HB 377.
To prohibit any requirement that employees of private employers join or pay dues to any employee organization and to establish civil and criminal penalties against employers who violate that prohibition.
SB 229 – Train Crews
Please contact your State Senator to support SB 229 – to require the crews of freight trains to consist of at least two individuals.
This common sense bill is not only for the safety of those freight train crews, but also for the safety of the communities that those trains pass through.
Request that your Senator ask the Chairman of the Commerce & Labor Committee – Bill Seitz to schedule further hearings on this important safety bill.
HB 371 – Train Crews
Please contact your State Representative and ask them to support HB 371 – Train Crews: To require the crews of freight trains consist of at least two individuals. This common sense bill is not only for the safety of those freight train crews, but also for the safety of the communities that those trains pass through.
Request that your Representative ask the Chairman of the Commerce & Labor Committee to schedule further hearings on this important safety bill.
You may click on the Issue, use the message provided, or compose your own message to send to your State Legislator.
Please provide the following information, and the SoftEdge will address your message to your State Legislator:
Compose Your Own Message
Street Address *
ex: 123 Main St
Zip *
After you send your message, you may select the Media button, which will select up to 10 newspapers in your area. You can select up to six to send your message as a letter to the editor. The newspapers will usually call you to confirm that you sent the message.
Browse by state or last name
Lastly, please realize that this is a tool that can and will influence your State Legislators and your member of Congress. Legislator’s love to hear from their Constituents. They sometimes make their decisions based on the feedback they receive.
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