L.A., N.Y. school buses in serious accidents

An automobile driver was killed and dozens of students riding a school bus were injured after a car slammed into the rear of the bus in Los Angeles Oct. 25, causing the bus to overturn, reports the Los Angeles Times. The Los Angeles Times said 54 teenage students were aboard [...]

CSX: A big ‘green’ machine, says Newsweek

Newsweek magazine has given CSX the highest “Green Ranking” among Class I freight railroads – and named CSX 10th in environmental responsibility among all transport and aerospace companies. The Newsweek rankings are based on input from three environmental organizations. In a [...]

Can you drive this bus?

Children of railroaders have available to them numerous computer games simulating operation and dispatch of trains. Now there is a computer game that allows children – and adults – to experience the challenge of being a bus operator: operating city buses, school buses, sight- [...]

Amtrak’s chief operating officer departs

Amtrak reported Oct. 21 that Chief Operating Officer Bill Crosbie is leaving Amtrak immediately, and the position of chief operating officer is being abolished.  Amtrak President Joseph Boardman, in an employee advisory, said the vice presidents of the operating departments w [...]

Here is CORRECT RRB toll-free number

Take note of the CORRECT toll-free telephone number for the Railroad Retirement Board’s Information Line: (877) 772-5772 This number replaces a previous toll-free number to reach the Railroad Retirement Board. The old number no longer reaches the Railroad Retirement Boa [...]