Futhey: ‘State of our union improving’

DENVER — “I will not stand down, I will not retreat and I will not surrender until our members have the right to vote on their own constitution,” UTU International President Mike Futhey told some 700 cheering UTU officers and members here at a regional meeti [...]

Futhey: 'State of our union improving'

DENVER — “I will not stand down, I will not retreat and I will not surrender until our members have the right to vote on their own constitution,” UTU International President Mike Futhey told some 700 cheering UTU officers and members here at a regional meeti [...]

Too much of anything is never good

By Dr. Norman BrownUTU Medical Consultant I occasionally try to get a patient to “lighten up” about some aspect of his or her health by explaining, with a smile, that I spend half of my time encouraging patients to do something, and the other half of my time encou [...]

Happy 100th birthday, FELA

By Mike FutheyInternational President A railroader’s most cherished workplace safety assurance is the Federal Employers’ Liability Act (FELA), which turns 100 years old this month. Railroading is among the most dangerous occupations in America. In an industry that too o [...]