UTU to Congress: ‘End air-employee abuse’

Airline pilots who sleep in the terminal because lodging is not provided? Flight attendants who can’t afford dental care and have used Super Glue to mend a broken tooth? Pilots and flight attendants who qualify for food-stamps? For airline pilots and flight attendants employe [...]

FRA to make cell-phone ban permanent

WASHINGTON — The Federal Railroad Administration has announced it will make permanent its Emergency Order No. 26 restricting the use by on-duty train crews of cell phones and other electronic devices. Some changes, as described below, are to be included in the permanent [...]

Health insurance alert: Children under 26?

By UTU International President Mike Futhey One of the jewels of the Obama health care reform plan passed into law by Congress earlier this year allows certain dependent children to remain on an employee’s health care insurance plan until age 26 without regard to student, mari [...]

Rail clerk marks 114th birthday

GREAT FALLS, Mont. – A Montana resident believed to be the world’s oldest man celebrated his 114th birthday Tuesday at a retirement home in Great Falls, the Great Falls Tribune reports. Walter Breuning was born on Sept. 21, 1896, in Melrose, Minnesota, and moved to Mont [...]

Let’s Organize the Unorganized

By Richard Ross Former SMART TD Director of Organizing The SMART Transportation Division has a long history of representing transportation workers — fighting on their behalf for better job security, and improved wages, benefits and working conditions. We have consistent [...]

Medicare provides free flu, pneumonia shot

We are about to begin the flu season and a flu vaccine is the best way to prevent infection and the complications associated with the flu. Vaccination is necessary each year because flu viruses change each year. The flu shot can be received once a year in either the fall or w [...]