al-Qaida but one transport terrorist threat

The news media may be atwitter with concerns of an al-Qaida attack on trains, but there is no validation that any specific attack is imminent or has been planned. What is crucial is that each of us — whether we work for an air, bus, freight train, transit or passenger t [...]

Union Plus offers disaster relief grants

Union members living in areas impacted by the recent tornadoes and flooding, and who participate in Union Plus programs, may be eligible for financial assistance. Union Plus disaster relief grants of $500 are available to help participants in the Union Plus credit card, insur [...]

Medicare changes could affect your wallet

Federal legislation affecting how Medicare reimburses physicians requires Medicare providers to reprocess claims dating back more than a year. This reprocessing, required by federal law, may result in your receiving a refund for Medicare services you received in 2010, or your [...]