National rail contract pay jump effective Sept. 16

The new national rail contract and its increased rates of pay become effective Sept. 16. Sept. 16 is also the trigger date from which the carriers are pledged to make retroactive wage payments within 60 days. Health care changes will be implemented after Jan. 1. New rate tabl [...]

Homeland Security funds UTU-TRRA security initiative

A joint rail-security project involving the United Transportation Union and Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis (TRRA) has received more than $176,000 in funding from the Department of Homeland Security’s Freight Rail Security Grant Program. TRRA has pledged a 25 perce [...]

Delegates amend UTU Constitution

Delegates at the UTU’s Eleventh Quadrennial Convention amended the UTU Constitution by adopting eight proposals, one of which will remove the dues obligation of officers on E-49 status, and another of which will require all UTU Locals to adopt a set of bylaws. The changes to [...]

Another UTU bus organizing win

PERRIS, Calif. – In the 24th organizing victory in 43 months, the UTU has added representation of additional employees of Southland Transit here. Following the lead of bus drivers and mechanics of Southland Transit, who voted “UTU, yes” in June, the company’s call center empl [...]

Labor Day: For too many, another day without a job

UTU members participated in Labor Day events and parades nationwide, demonstrating that a healthy, energized and committed labor union movement is alive and well in America. In truth, there was not too much to celebrate. For too many Americans, this Labor Day was just another [...]

National rail contract ratified

A new national rail contract, delivering a 17 percent wage increase over 60 months (18.24 percent when compounded), a 78-month cap on health care insurance contributions, plus  improvements in health care benefits, has been ratified by solid margins by UTU members in each of [...]