Metrolink pioneers system safety program

LOS ANGELES — Metrolink has entered into a partnership with the University of Southern California’s engineering school to create an advanced rail system safety certification program to, in its words, “pioneer efforts to standardize system safety leadership p [...]

Retired NMB arbitrator Carvatta dies

Retired National Mediation Board arbitrator Roy J. Carvatta, known to many UTU general chairpersons, has died in Chicago at age 87. Carvatta served for many years as the NMB’s director of arbitration services, retiring in 1996. In an advisory posted by the NMB, it was s [...]

Rails boost spending, hiring, dividends

Railroads, enjoying record profits, say they will invest $12 billion in improving their track and operations in 2011, a significant increase over the $10.7 billion spent on capital improvements in 2010. Additionally, the railroads say they will hire some 10,000 employees in 2 [...]

Diseases run in families; learn from your parents

By Dr. Norman K. Brown UTU medical consultant UTU members and their families have access to excellent wellness programs through health- insurance providers that help control and eliminate many bad habits such as poor nutrition, smoking and lack of exercise. But there are cert [...]