Temporary change in UTU DIPP fax number

The published fax number for the UTU’s Discipline Income Protection Program (DIPP), (216) 227-5209, is not working. Until the technical issues are resolved, those needing to contact the DIPP by fax should use this number: (216) 916-4845. Watch www.utu.org/ for notice th [...]

It’s time for flu and pneumonia vaccines

The head-cold and flu season is upon us, making it time to lower your risk of disease and illness by receiving a flu shot and pneumonia vaccine – and if you or your spouse is covered by Medicare, you won’t bear the cost and do not require a doctor’s referral. The flu shot is [...]

Conductor certification now a reality

WASHINGTON – It’s now official. Conductor certification, mandated by the Rail Safety Improvement Act of 2008, became effective Jan. 1. In a final rule, published by the Federal Railroad Administration Nov. 9, railroads were ordered to implement, by Jan. 1, a formal trai [...]