Back to Wisconsin

“On Wisconsin” is the fight song of the University of Wisconsin. “Back to Wisconsin” is the fight song of the UTU Collective Bargaining Defense Fund and other organizations determined to continue a successful “red zone” defense against anti-union political zealots. Organized [...]

Driving a bus ‘a potent stress cocktail’

By Bonnie MorrAlternate Vice President – Bus Department Operating a bus may be the most stressful job in America. Early in November, 100 Detroit bus operators walked off the job after repeated passenger assaults. In New York, a study found a pattern of physical and verbal ass [...]

House Republicans vow to head-off rail strike

WASHINGTON – Senior House Republicans Nov. 29 said they would act to head off a railroad work stoppage if rail unions that so far have not settled with the carriers do not have a voluntary settlement in place by the end of a final 30-day cooling off period that expires Dec. 6 [...]

Early rail retiree insurance cap raised

UTU members and their dependents insured under the Railroad Employees National Early Retirement Major Medical Benefit (ERMA) Plan (GA-46000) will have their lifetime maximum amount of coverage increased, effective Jan. 1. ERMA is a comprehensive benefits plan for employees wh [...]

Rail disability plan revisions effective Jan. 1

Revisions to the Anthem Voluntary Short Term Disability (VSTD) plan that better reflect the actual claims experience of our rail members and adjust to the prevailing market rate for this type of coverage will become effective Jan. 1, 2012. Revisions to the Lincoln National Li [...]

Locals announce holiday events

Two locals have placed holiday party announcements in the November issue of the UTU News, which may not reach all members in sufficient time to plan attendance. To ensure that members have advance notice of the upcoming get-togethers, see the listing of announcements below: L [...]

Others settling as PEB recommended

The UTU International is receiving questions from members regarding recommendations of Presidential Emergency Board 243, which was created under provisions of the Railway Labor Act after talks between other rail unions and the National Carriers’ Conference Committee (NCCC) br [...]