3 crewmembers dead in VIA Rail derailment

BURLINGTON, Ont. – Three Canada VIA Rail crew members riding in the lone locomotive of a five-car passenger train died in a derailment here Feb. 26. More than 40 passengers and another crew member were injured, many seriously. News reports indicate the fourth crewmember suffe [...]

Treasurers’ workshop scheduled for May

The UTU International will conduct a workshop for local treasurers May 15-17 in Cleveland, Ohio. The Cleveland workshop will be held at the UTU International offices in North, Olmsted, Ohio. Attendance is limited to 24 registrants at the Cleveland workshop. Newly elected loca [...]

Committees work to create new SMART union

In a joint message to members, the leadership of the UTU and the Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association (SMWIA) pledged “to move forward and grow, and place all hostilities behind us” as the two organizations strive to cement a seamless merger. The merger of the UTU a [...]

SMART will boost UTUIA financial strength

By UTU International President Mike Futhey –  Congratulations go to Art Rayner, the United Transportation Union Insurance Association’s man of the year for 2011. Art was recognized for his sales and leadership performance – attributes that helped propel the UTUIA last year to [...]