Transportation bill’s demise points to 2014 stalemate

The collapse of U.S. transportation funding bills in both houses of Congress points to a broader stalemate over fiscal 2014 spending and threatens to extend across-the-board budget cuts into next year. Senate Republicans yesterday blocked a $54 billion measure funding highway [...]

Alaska Railroad CEO to step down

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — The chief executive officer of the state-owned Alaska Railroad is stepping down after his three-year contract expires in September. Chris Aadnesen announced his departure at a board of directors meeting July 30. Read the complete story at the Miami Herald.

Derailed train in La. carrying highly toxic substances

A train carrying highly flammable and corrosive materials derailed in Louisiana on Sunday. Over 100 homes have been evacuated as a precaution, Gov. Bobby Jindal said, adding there were no fatalities or injuries and air monitors have not picked up anything to cause concern. Ac [...]

Operating unions advance federal crew-size legislation

CLEVELAND — The Transportation Division of the Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation International Association (SMART) and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET/IBT) have jointly announced that legislation requiring at least two crew members on all fr [...]

Bus driver on cell phones crashes, baby killed

Authorities say a bus driver in northern New Jersey was talking on his cellphone when he crashed, triggering a chain reaction accident that killed an 8-month-old girl. Authorities have issued summonses for reckless driving and using a cellphone while driving for 48-year-old I [...]

Oil train safety rule delayed by one year

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration has delayed by nearly a year a plan to boost safety standards for the type of rail car involved in a fiery explosion that killed at least 47 people in Canada this month. Officials began work on the rule more than a year before an oil trai [...]

Driver of Spanish train was talking on phone

The driver of a Spanish train that derailed and killed 79 people was talking on the phone when the train flew off a tight curve, court documents show. In the moments before the derailment, Garzon received a call on his work phone from Spain’s national train company Renf [...]

Anaheim meeting opens with town hall forum

The SMART Transportation Division’s Anaheim, Calif., regional meeting began July 29 with a town hall forum at which SMART members were able to pose questions directly to the union’s leadership. More than 500 members, guests and presenters are attending the regional meeting. A [...]