Nevada’s rail safety efforts are maintaining their momentum with a new piece of legislation. This year’s attempt follows two previous bills that passed the legislature but were vetoed by the Governor’s pen. It is crucial that SMART-TD members take action to help make this one a reality.
The first hearing for the Nevada Rail Safety Bill (AB 446) is scheduled for April 1 and Brother Gabe Christenson, the state’s safety and legislative director, asks all Nevada members to reach out to their legislators before that date.
“This is a call to action for all our Nevada members,” he said. “We can’t do this alone. We need you to contact your representatives and Governor Lombardo. Your voices are what will make the difference. We can knock on every door in Carson City, but it’s hearing directly from you that will open them.”
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SLD Christenson and Leo Palomo, his assistant SLD, are at the forefront of improved rail safety. They join Assemblyman Max Carter (D-12th District), a staunch ally of labor and a key sponsor of the Nevada Rail Safety Bill, AB 446. The Nevada AFL-CIO also supports the bill.
Train Length, Yard Safety and the Right to Investigate Accidents
Christenson and Carter refuse to back down despite past bills passing both the Assembly and Senate, only to be vetoed by Governor Lombardo. Rail safety is too important to accept defeat.
The legislation includes a limit on freight train length to 8,500 feet, regulations on wayside defect detectors, and measures for blocked crossings.
AB446 also introduces lighting requirements in rail yards and walkways on mainlines, among a long list of other workplace improvements. It also requires railroads to allow union representatives to investigate safety issues, injuries, and compliance with both state and federal regulations—at the same time as management.
Rail Safety is a Bipartisan Issue: Everyone is at Risk
“Rail safety is not a matter of ideology. It’s about protecting the workers who serve our communities and the communities themselves. This is about making sure our members can go home safely every day. I am committed to building a bipartisan coalition to ensure this bill gets across the finish line,” said Christenson. “We need everyone on board, and that includes both sides of the aisle in the legislature. Let’s make sure our voices are heard loud and clear.”
In the 2023 session, the Nevada train-length bill passed through both houses with overwhelming support from Democrats but lacked backing from Republicans. Despite this challenge, Christenson sees an opportunity to build broader support in 2025.
“Last time, the bill almost made it. This time, I’m determined to finish the job,” he explained. “I believe we can grow bipartisan support for rail safety. It’s about protecting the public and our workers, and that’s a goal everyone should be able to get behind.”
Nevada Assemblyman Max Carter Understands the Importance of Labor Unions
Second-term Assemblyman Max Carter, who is sponsoring the bill in the legislature comes from a union family and is a union member himself.
Carter’s grandfather worked as a conductor for Union Pacific, which is what led his family to relocate from California to Nevada. Carter also worked as an electrician and is an active member of the IBEW. Carter now serves as Co-Chair of the Assembly’s Growth and Infrastructure Committee, which will hear AB 446. He has promised a fair hearing for the bill.
“Throughout my career with the IBEW and in my time in the legislature, I’ve seen firsthand the importance of safe working conditions and the need for stronger regulation. We cannot afford to wait any longer for changes,” said Carter. “This bill will make a tangible difference, and I’m proud to sponsor it with Gabe and the rest of the SMART-TD team.”
Call To Action for Safety in Nevada
SMART-TD members are encouraged to stand together, show up for their safety, and ensure that their representatives understand the importance of this vital legislation. The time to act is now, and Christenson’s call for solidarity and action is clear: “This is about the safety of every railroader across the state, and it’s about time we get it done.”
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