Voting packages for the tentative national rail contract were mailed Friday, Aug. 12, to UTU members eligible to vote.
The balloting period will extend for 21 days to 4 p.m., Eastern time, Friday, Sept. 2.
Voting will be by craft under the craft-autonomy provisions of the UTU Constitution. Crafts voting will be brakeman, conductor, engineer, fireman, yardman and yardmaster.
Members will vote based on the craft in which they worked on the day previous to ballots being mailed.
Voting packages provide instructions on how to cast ballots by telephone.
Votes will be tabulated by BallotPoint, which will report the results to the International. Results will be posted at when received by BallotPoint, which is expected the day voting is closed.
Results will be based on valid ballots cast.
To stay current on news relating to the tentative national rail contract, visit and click on the “National Rail Contract” link at the bottom right corner of the home page.
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