Today, people across the country are making calls to their lawmakers to let them know that working folks do not want and cannot afford another bad trade deal. We deserve trade policy that works for everyone, not just the top 1%.
We need to let Congress know we’ve got the facts and we don’t support Fast Track. In the past, deals that were passed using the Fast Track process deepened our trade deficit, weakened our manufacturing sector, pushed wages down and increased the 1%’s control on our economy.
More of these bad policies will shrink our paychecks and stifle middle class growth. Not only does Fast Track encourage the passage of bad trade deals, but it will also tie the hands of local and federal lawmakers and prevent them from improving bad deals or telling the negotiators the
deal won’t get a vote unless they go back to the drawing board. We deserve better than a policy that limits Congress to a simple up or down vote on trade deals that will affect working families.
I believe that we can win this, but we have to act now.
Click here to contact your representative now and tell him or her to stand up for workers and democracy by opposing Fast Track when it comes up for a vote.
Call Congress today to #StopFastTrack: 1-855-712-8441
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