Survey Shows High Public Support for Metra Employees, Increased Calls for More Security
A recent survey conducted in the Greater Chicago area, conducted by an independent third party between December 16-19, 2024, found that 83% of people have a favorable opinion of Metra (44% “excellent” and 39% “good”). The public’s loyalty is largely due to the work done by SMART-TD transit union members: Metra’s conductors, ticket collectors, and other frontline workers.
Celebrating transit union members
It is remarkable that 83% of people can agree on anything!
“It’s no surprise to me that our Brothers and Sisters at Metra are held in such high regard by the passengers that they serve,” SMART-TD’s Illinois State Safety and Legislative Director Bob Guy had to say about the members in his city.
“As the face of Metra, passengers know they can count on our members to deliver them to their destination safely and securely, while also being available to address questions or concerns that may arise during a routine trip and to take immediate action on those rare occasions when incidents occur. Our members take pride in the work they do and the service they provide, and I’m proud that their job performance is so favorably recognized.”
The survey also found that 26% of people rated Metra overall as “Excellent.” Our men and women scored significantly higher with the community than Metra did overall. Our members are by far the best thing the agency has going for it, and SMART-TD helps make that difference.
Public wants more security
The survey also highlighted growing public concern about security in public transportation.
30% said an increased law enforcement presence would make them feel more likely to use public transportation.
51% said they strongly support having more law enforcement personnel on Metra trains, buses, and in the stations themselves.
SMART-TD 100% agrees with these sentiments.
With the increase in violent incidents on public transportation nationwide, we have called for more police and security to keep both passengers and our members safe. We cannot overstate how important it is for passengers and operators to feels safe when using METRA. SMART-TD’s bottom line is that our members need to be protected while doing their jobs.
Additional security will increase ridership
Safety would help Metra’s bottom line, too. 30% of the people who abandoned Metra said that they would be willing to come back if security were increased.
Addressing safety concerns will directly boost ridership, which will offset the costs of the enhanced security measures.
“We’ve long stressed to METRA the need for increased safety measures due to rising violent and erratic behavior. We will continue to push for better security to protect our members,” said SLD Guy. “Metra’s new ‘Code of Conduct’ policy is a great start, but more needs to be done to ensure a visible police presence, especially in areas where problems still happen.”
Once again, we congratulate our members for their outstanding work and the trust the public has in them. We are proud of the essential service they provide every day and will continue to advocate for their safety and the safety of all Metra riders.
Click to view the results of the Chicagoland transit survey ►
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