SMART-TD is pleased to announce that the open enrollment for the Voluntary Long-Term Disability (VLTD) and Voluntary Group Life (VLIFE) insurance plans has begun. This will be the only opportunity this year for members to get protected.

The last date for enrollment is Aug. 23, 2024, to be covered for a Sept. 1, 2024, effective date. This opportunity is open only to members who are not current participants in the SMART-TD VLTD or VLIFE programs.

Coverage highlights


  • Protects members’ income if they cannot work due to injury, illness or surgery.
  • Tax-free benefits — no medical exams/questions required to enroll.
  • Up to $5,000 of monthly benefits for up to 5 years.
  • Benefits start paying after the SMART VSTD stops — 238 days for rail members and 365 days for bus members.


  • Members can elect up to $250,000 with no medical exams/questions required.
  • Benefits double in the event of an accidental death.
  • 24-7 on- and off-the-job protection.

Members can explore options such as cancer insurance, accidental death & dismemberment, and hospital indemnity insurance via the UTUIA.

Members can learn more and enroll by visiting

Thank you for your dedication.

In solidarity,

SMART Transportation Division

Class I railroad carriers in this country aren’t used to losing their game of government influence and lobbying. Traditionally, they use the cover fire they get from the American Association of Railroads (AAR) to throw money and influence around Capitol Hill until they can dictate all public policy dealing with our rail industry.

Every time one of our men or women reads a new system bulletin that makes their profession less safe or makes the service provided to customers less dependable and wonders why this change could happen, the answer is usually rooted in carriers’ influence on regulation.

In the past four years, SMART-TD has made progress in turning that tide. The Class I railroad companies and AAR have seen a distinct drop in their win percentage. When they are shot down by the Department of Transportation, they often see “In light of comments put forward by SMART-TD” as the lead-in to the bad news. Here’s another of these rude awakenings.

Carriers try to eliminate hard copies

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) announced in the Federal Register that the AAR and the carriers took yet another loss at the hands of SMART-TD, the AFL-CIO’s Transportation Trades Department (TTD) and common sense.

AAR was attempting to take the CT-168 and all hazmat paperwork out of the locomotive, making the tablets and company computer systems the only line of defense when hazmat is involved in a derailment or other rail emergency.

As they did last June in the National Transportation Safety Board’s hearing on the derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, the industry attempted to sell the idea that their “Ask Rail” cell phone application would make it so local EMS personnel are able to quickly and easily obtain consist information of any train involved in an incident. SMART-TD made your position clear: That is not good enough. Many places where we work are not in WiFi-friendly hotspots of technology!

AAR and the railroads went out of their way to make the argument that the conductor of a train crew was able to use their assigned tablet to upload the consist and hazmat paperwork to emergency workers through Dropbox and other software.

We all know this is a poor excuse for emergency preparedness and is just another attempt to push the idea that technology can easily replace people in our industry.

In light of the announcement from the Department of Transportation and PHMSA, SMART-TD is proud to say that paper copies of hazmat paperwork and the all-important CT-168 will remain onboard locomotive cabs in this country!

PHMSA sides with SMART’s argument

SMART-TD would like to thank PHMSA, and the leadership at the Department of Transportation. Without them valuing common sense and the safety of our crews, AAR could have easily chipped this line of defense away from workers and first responders.

“This might not sound like a big deal, but it absolutely is,” SMART-TD President Jeremy Ferguson said. “The safety of our members and the community often hinges on access to this hazmat paperwork and the professionalism of our people to know how to apply the information. Anyone willing to tell you a tablet and WiFi is adequate to depend on in a high-stakes crisis involving hazmat doesn’t have the public’s best interest or the physical safety of railroaders in mind. Our crews keep the consist information up to date at all times. When a train works a handful of yards in a day, the computer systems often don’t have the most up to date information on what’s in the train until it goes by the next AEI reader. SMART-TD’s members continue to be the most reliable variable in cases of emergency. The Department of Transportation and PHMSA were able to see our value and in this ruling they have ensured we will continue to have the necessary tools to keep ourselves, each other, and our communities as safe as possible.”

The ruling also increases access to the consist and hazmat information beyond the emergency services of just the community the event took place in.

 Jared Cassity, head of SMART-TD’s National Safety Team, put it like this: “When a derailment or other disaster happens in a small town like we saw in East Palestine, Ohio, emergency workers are coming from every direction and multiple other jurisdictions to help out. If these men and women are fighting against the dangerous materials our trains are hauling, they should have access to all the information we can give them to try to keep themselves safe. We can’t expect them to operate in the dark and assume the information will get to them. It’s not hard to imagine scenarios where this information will get to them too late after it’s been given to one town’s fire chief and filtered through the command center and makes it to the front lines.”

Your input helped!

In their announcement, PHMSA cited that their ruling was heavily influenced by public comments. As they described the logic behind their decision, they consistently cited our union along with the AFL-CIO’s TTD.

“We’re thrilled PHMSA and the Department of Transportation ruled on the side of our union and our years of safe practices in this matter,” National Legislative Director Greg Hynes said. “We will stay engaged in the public comment process to make sure our members continue to have their voice heard in all future matters affecting their safety!”

Follow this link to see the full public comment SMART-TD submitted to PHMSA in this matter.

The Discipline Income Protection Program (DIPP), your union’s premier worker assistance program, protects members’ income when facing alleged violations of rules or operating procedures.

Effective July 1, 2024, the monthly assessment for participants will be reduced from 50 to 32 cents per $1 of daily benefit coverage. This reduction and a 90% + approval on all new claims make DIPP the premier option in the industry.

DIPP coverage ranges from $6 to $250 per day, ensuring that a participant covered by the plan will continue to receive income.

SMART-TD is committed to continuing its pursuit of excellence in serving plan participants. In the past year, DIPP trustees have reduced assessments by 33%, eliminated the graduated benefit day structure and reduced the waiting period for benefit increases. Additionally, the program has paid participants over $4 million in benefits when suspended, dismissed, or removed from service by their employer.

Participants can also elect to increase their benefit level or modify their coverage at any time by submitting the appropriate form. New participants can enroll online either on their own or with the assistance of their local Regional Insurance Manager or DIPP representative.

More information about DIPP

Enroll online

Amendment to VSTD plan covers certified voluntary addiction treatment

In our ongoing effort to support the well-being of our union members, we are pleased to announce a significant update to the Voluntary Short-Term Disability (VSTD) plan. Participants now have the opportunity to receive benefits starting on day 1 while voluntarily enrolled in certified drug or alcohol treatment programs.

Transportation workers face irregular schedules, fatigue, and high levels of stress — factors that can sometimes lead to the use of alcohol and drugs as coping mechanisms. Recognizing these challenges, the SMART General Executive Council (GEC) has taken a proactive step to help our members who may be struggling with addiction.

With this First Amendment, VSTD plan participants can utilize their benefits while undergoing voluntary, certified addiction recovery programs. It’s important to note that this plan does not cover treatments mandated by an employer or court.

In addition to this new benefit, the GEC approved a Second Amendment waiving the elimination period between the first day of a disability and the date benefits begin for members voluntarily undergoing certified drug and alcohol treatment programs. Once a certificate of completion is received, payments will be made retroactively, effective back to day 1 of disability.

“We hope this change in the VSTD encourages our union brothers and sisters who might be struggling with addiction to seek help,” said SMART-TD President Jeremy R. Ferguson. “No one in this organization should feel they won’t have support if they seek treatment. If this amendment encourages someone to proceed with that step, the change has done its job.”

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, we urge you to take advantage of these new benefits. The SMART-TD VSTD plan is here to support you on your path to recovery. Together, we can create a healthier, more supportive environment for all our members.

For more information on the VSTD plan and the new amendments, please follow this link or call our administrator, Southern Benefits, at 844-880-1071.

Brother Keith Shambaugh and his family had their lives permanently altered when he was hit by a truck while riding his motorcycle in early May.

Keith Shambaugh poses with his son in this family photo.

Shambaugh, president of Local 600 in Cumberland, Md., since 2022, was broadsided on U.S. 50 in Augusta, W.Va. His injuries required amputation of his right leg above the knee, both his arms were seriously injured along with numerous other serious injuries. 

An online fundraiser has been set up to help support him and his family as he faces a long and arduous rehabilitation period and not be able to return to his profession as a locomotive engineer.

Married with one child, Brother Shambaugh has been involved for years as a local officers, first serving as trustee in 2008, alternate legislative representative in 2009 and president in 2022.

He began working for CSX as a conductor in October 2000. He completed his training in the spring in 2008 and established seniority as engineer, the profession he has worked since.

“We would appreciate if you could support this effort to secure some much-needed funds for their family,” Maryland State Legislative Director Larry Kasecamp said.

In this country, Memorial Day is a time when we remember service members who have passed on before us, then gather with friends and family around a barbecue grill and focus on what is important in our lives.

Brother Devan Harris of SMART-TD Local 1594 was killed on Memorial Day, May 27, 2024, in a drive-by shooting in Philadelphia.

SMART-TD Local 1594 member and SEPTA bus operator Devan Harris and his family were doing just that when their world was forever shattered last week.

At a cookout in Philadelphia, Brother Harris and his girlfriend were enjoying their day with their daughter, Luna, when Devan killed in the senseless violence of a drive-by shooting.

Devan and his girlfriend, Constance Johnson-Walker, both are members of Local 1594. Together they were building a life for their 2-year-old daughter, Luna. As their SEPTA coworkers know, Devan was a dedicated father and the kind of union brother we grew to count on.

Brother Harris’s young family is counting on us. If you are able, please donate to the GoFundMe account SMART-TD established for Constance and Luna.

Our union sister needs the support of the SMART-TD family in her time of need.

Enrollment for the training track for local secretaries and treasurers at the SMART-TD National Training Seminar has hit its available capacity and has been closed.

The event will be held July 9 to 11 at the Hilton Cleveland Downtown, 100 Lakeside Ave. E., and still has a limited number of registration slots available.

The cost to register is $250 per person, and an overflow room block has spots remaining.

For more information, visit the SMART-TD website, the SMART Member Portal or email Nick Torres in the SMART-TD office (

Brothers and sisters,

The SMART Transportation Division appreciates the sacrifices of those who chose to commit their lives in the service of the country with great reverence.

Brave people have given their lives to defend the freedoms we often take for granted in times of war and peace. Many in our union continue to serve in the reserves or have served in our armed forces as I did. Your union and your country thank you and are forever in your debt.

On Memorial Day, let us all remember how the freedoms established in our United States were preserved by those who have left us while serving our nation and those who are still with us. Without the efforts of those people who chose military service, the United States would not be the strong and enduring beacon of liberty that other nations worldwide want to emulate.

This holiday serves as a great reminder to show our gratitude and respect. Let us all take some time to pause in remembrance of the debt we owe to those fellow Americans who fought and sacrificed in defense of the freedoms of our country. May God bless our troops!

Please be safe, and thank you.

Jeremy R. Ferguson,
President, Transportation Division

As a reminder, our union continues its ongoing efforts to honor our brothers and sisters who have served. If you are a veteran, please let us know by providing information about your service in the SMART Member Portal so we can recognize you in the future.

Transportation Division President Jeremy Ferguson issued the following statement on May 17, 2024:

“SMART-TD is in full support of the 130 unionized firefighters in Washington struggling to obtain a fair contract with one of the biggest airplane manufacturers in the world. Boeing executives and management apparently have learned nothing from prior experience where they’ve decided that only they know best and then find out the opposite. Instead, they’ve decided to irresponsibly disregard the offers they’ve received from dedicated unionized employees and have locked them out.”

“The IAFF often has acted on behalf of SMART-TD’s rail workers when we seek legislation that makes both our members and their people safer, including in Washington state. At this moment, the firefighters need our support and solidarity. They absolutely have it.

“Already we’ve had many of our Local 324 members in Seattle, including Troy Shtogren, contribute to the strike fund. They’re bolstering the firefighters’ strength in their action against Boeing and observing the picket line as well. We’re going to keep it up until the IAFF members get a resolution that they’re satisfied with.”

Information on how to support the locked-out IAFF workers

A second and final overflow room block for the SMART-TD National Training Seminar in July has been acquired.


  • Hotel: Hampton Inn, Cleveland Downtown
  • Address: 1460 E. Ninth St., Cleveland, Ohio, 44114
  • Rate: $179/night
  • Booking deadline: Saturday, June 8, 2024

How to book: Rooms can be booked online by following this link. Alternatively, reservations can be made by calling 216-241-6600.

Convenient location: The Hampton Inn is an eight-minute walk from the NTS host site at the Hilton Cleveland Downtown, 100 Lakeside Ave. E., Cleveland, OH 44114.

Inquiries: If you have any questions or need further information about the NTS, please contact the Transportation Division at 216-228-9400 or email Nick Torres at

If space at the Hampton Inn sells out, additional attendees for the NTS will be responsible for finding their own lodging.