Medco and Express Scripts are now one company managing the prescription benefit for those whose health care plans include Express Scripts or Medco.
You should continue to refill your prescriptions as you normally would by using your current prescription drug ID card, member ID number, mail-order refill forms,, and the toll-free member services telephone number on your ID card.
The combined company is in the process of changing the name on all of its communications to Express Scripts. Until the renaming process is complete, you may see messages from both Express Scripts and Medco.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who is Express Scripts?
Express Scripts, like Medco, is a prescription benefit manager. The combined company will now be known as Express Scripts.
How did Express Scripts get my prescription information?
Since Medco and Express Scripts have come together as one company to manage your prescription drug benefit, the information Medco had on file for you is now available to the merged company. Express Scripts will protect your private health information with the same level of security you’ve always received.
Do I use the same phone number I’ve always called?
Yes. Continue to call the number on your prescription drug benefit ID card.
Will my member ID number change?
No. Continue using your current prescription drug benefit ID card and the member ID number on the card.
Can I continue ordering new prescriptions as I normally would?
Yes. Continue to submit new home delivery prescriptions by mail or have your doctor send them via fax or ePrescribing. Also, continue using your member ID number, order forms,, and the toll-free member services number on your ID card.
Can I still order refills on the member website or by phone?
Yes. Continue to use or call the toll-free Member Services number on your ID card. You can also use the refill forms enclosed with your prescription orders.
Will my home delivery packages look different?
The packaging may look different because your medication may be shipped from an Express Scripts Pharmacy or the Medco Pharmacy, depending on factors including weather, medication supply, and the distance between the pharmacy and the delivery address. There may be differences between bottle caps, bottle colors, and the labels used. You may also notice changes in the materials used to package temperature sensitive medications. There will be no changes to your medications.
Can I still use the same participating retail pharmacy that I do today?
Yes. You can use the pharmacies in the current retail network.
What name changes might I expect to see?
The Express Scripts name and brand will begin appearing on most member communications around Sept.1. Some communications may still reference Medco along with Express Scripts until the name transition is complete. Below are some examples.
* Member website. The address will remain The branding on the website will change to Express Scripts.
* Letters. Most letters to members will reflect the Express Scripts branding.
* Literature enclosed in home delivery packages. Information related to prescription orders will refer to Express Scripts and Medco.
* Member Services greeting. When you call, you will hear reference to Medco is now part of the Express Scripts family of companies.
What won’t reflect a name change as of Sept. 1?
Certain communications and organization names such as those listed below won’t change on September 1, but will likely change over time.
* Medco Pharmacy
* Accredo Health Group, Inc. (specialty pharmacy)
* Prescription drug ID cards for existing Medco cardholders
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