The Rosemont Fashion Outlet Mall opened August 1, 2013 and took a year and a half to complete. The mall is 550,000 square feet with over 120 stores, a food court and connected parking. During construction, there were over 20 different sheet metal companies doing the work; with over 150 sheet metal workers doing the HVAC, decking, siding, metal screens, bathroom partitions, lockers, roof flashing and skylights. Along with all the other trades, the Rosemont Fashion Mall project was 100 % Union from the beginning to the completion. Rocco Terranova, President and Business Manager of Sheet Metal Local 73 said “This is a prime example of how businesses and organized labor can work together”. We are extremely proud of our involvement.
Business Agent, Mike May, who is responsible for this area stated that Rosemont is definitely booming! In November of 2012, the Rosemont Sports Dome opened. This structure spans 12 stories tall and is 140,000 square feet. The Big Ten Conference center started construction in August, 2013. It is a three story, 50,000 square foot structure and will house The Big Ten Corporate office, conference center, interactive museum and a restaurant. Also, construction for a new headquarters of the Orthopedic Academy and 25 related orthopedic tenants began in August, 2013. This structure will be 165,000 square feet, 5 stories tall with a parking garage and hotel. The project is expected to be completed in 18 months! In September, 2013 construction on a three story indoor skydiving facility began. iFly is expected to attract as many as 200,000 people a year to this facility alone!
Rosemont has added many new facilities within the past couple of years. There is My Big Fat Greek restaurant, Toby Keith bar and restaurant, a German restaurant and brewery called Hofbrauhaus, Kings bowling alley and much more. Future projects include a new elevated pedestrian sky deck bridge which will connect to a village owned parking garage and in the works is the renovation of the Stevenson Convention Center.
All construction was performed by Union members and all future construction will be also performed by Union members.
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