Last year, with the help of thousands of volunteers, letter carriers all across America collected more than 74.4 million pounds of non-perishable food—the second-highest amount since the drive began in 1992, bringing the grand total to just under 1.3 billion pounds.
“It’s such an easy way for our customers to help people in their own communities,” NALC President Fredric Rolando said. “All they have to do is leave a non-perishable food donation in a bag by their mailboxes. And that’s it! Then, just like we do every Saturday of the year, letter carriers will swing by—only on Saturday, May 10, we’ll be ready to pick up the food donations and make sure they get to a local food bank or other charity within that community.”
Food banks and shelters usually benefit from an upswing in charitable donations during the winter holiday season. By spring, these stocks dwindle. In addition, with the advent of the summer months, many low income families are left scrambling to find food for their children.
In order to meet the high demand for donations, Union members froma cross the labor movement are assisting with the program by volunteering to distribute and collect food in their local communities.
You can help by leaving any non-perishable items by your mailbox on Saturday may 10th where they will be picked up by your local letter carrier.
Those with questions about the drive should contact NALC Community and Membership Outreach Coordinator Pam Donato at 202-662-2489, or send an e-mail to
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