Nov. 11 is the deadline for returning to Railroad Enrollment Services the annual health and welfare enrollment materials for railroad employees and/or dependents covered under the National Railway Carriers and United Transportation Union (NRC/UTU) Health and Welfare Plan.
For those employees and/or dependents covered under the Railroad Employees National Health and Welfare Plan (GA-23000), the deadline for returning the enrollment materials was Nov. 4.
Included with those materials was a “Dependent Add Form” allowing you to add eligible dependent children – up to age 26 – to your plan who are not already listed on the “Enrollment Form.”
Also, if you have previously opted-out of coverage, you must renew your opt-out for 2012.
The completed forms must be returned to UnitedHealthcare by the due dates of Nov. 4 or Nov. 11, depending upon your benefit plan, for your elections/changes to become effective Jan. 1.
Should you have questions, telephone Railroad Enrollment Services at (800) 753-2692.
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