DIPP assessments drop to 32 cents per dollar of daily benefit coverage

April 30, 2024

SMART Transportation Division and the trustees of the Discipline Income Protection Program (DIPP) are pleased to announce a reduction in monthly assessments for participants.

Effective July 1, 2024, the monthly assessment for participants will be reduced from 50 to 32 cents per $1 of daily benefit coverage. This reduction and a 90% + approval on all new claims make DIPP the premier option in the industry.

DIPP coverage ranges from $6 to $250 per day, ensuring that a participant covered by the plan who is suspended, dismissed, or removed from service by a carrier for alleged violation of rules or operating procedures will continue to receive income.

Participants can also elect to increase their benefit level or modify their coverage at any time by submitting the appropriate form to the DIPP office.

This announcement is informational, and participants do not need to take any action now. However, the reduction in assessments will be communicated to local treasurers so that the necessary changes to current participants’ payroll deductions can be made in a timely manner before July 1.

DIPP trustees are SMART General President Michael Coleman, SMART General Secretary-Treasurer Joseph Powell, and SMART-TD President Jeremy R. Ferguson. For more information on DIPP, visit the SMART website or email DIPP_TD@smart-union.org for further details.