SMART Transportation Division-represented conductors and trainmen employed by the Canadian National/Grand Trunk Western Railroad unanimously ratified a new six-year agreement March 17, Vice President Doyle Turner reports.
The agreement provides for six annual wage increases retroactive to Aug. 1, 2010, with the final wage increase to be effective Aug. 1, 2015, totaling 18.6 percent and resulting in a cumulative wage increase of 20.08 percent over the life of the agreement.
The accord includes conductor certification pay rolled into the rates of pay and full retroactive back-pay for all active trainmen and employees, and to retired or deceased employees who earned compensation subsequent to Aug. 1, 2010.
The agreement provides that all employees on guaranteed extra boards will have a five-day work week, with two consecutive scheduled rest days per work week, provides “smart-rest” benefits, improves bereavement leave, provides for a furlough retention board and institutes provisions for temporary transfer to other CN properties.
Participation in the UTU National Health and Welfare plans continues.
Turner, who assisted with the mediated negotiations, expressed his appreciation to CN/GTW GO 377 General Chairperson Jason E. Reineke (1075), Vice General Chairperson William T. Miller. Jr. (72) and General Committee Secretary John R. Purcell II (1075) for their exceptional effort in bringing the members’ concerns to the bargaining table.
This agreement makes GTW employees some of the highest paid rail employees in the country.
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