As a result of the continued increase in claims volume and associated costs, the SMART Transportation Division Discipline Income Protection Program (DIPP) is increasing its monthly assessments from 81 cents to 96 cents per $1 of daily benefits, effective July 1, 2018.
Members may elect to reduce their benefit level or cancel coverage at any time by submitting the appropriate form to SMART TD. If a member chooses to keep his or her coverage as it is, the current benefit level will remain in place, and members who pay their monthly assessments by payroll deduction will have the higher monthly assessments automatically deducted from their paychecks.
DIPP trustees are SMART General President Joseph Sellers Jr., SMART Secretary-Treasurer Richard L. McClees and SMART TD President John Previsich.
Follow this link to view the updated SMART TD DIPP Schedule of Maximum Benefits.
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