DOT secretary: ‘HSR America’s jobs engine’

Comparing embryo high-speed rail projects with the birth of the Interstate Highway system more than half-a-century ago, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said last week that the competition America is facing is not between Democrats and Republicans, but “between the U [...]

Conductor certification coming Jan. 1, 2012

WASHINGTON — In a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) published in the Nov. 10 Federal Register, the Federal Railroad Administration proposes to make Jan. 1, 2012, the effective date for implementation of conductor certification. The rulemaking on principles, elements [...]

Congress 2011: How will HSR, rail transit fare?

WASHINGTON — One of first transportation challenges for federal rail transportation-project advocates — Democrats and Republicans — in the new Congress in 2011 will be how to preserve and allocate seed money for rail transit and high-speed rail projects. Bil [...]

What election results mean to UTU members

By International President Mike Futhey What do the Nov. 2 congressional election results mean for UTU members and their families? Consider these facts that are not always obvious: While it is true that organized labor has more friends among Democrats, many of the Republicans [...]

FRA moving to require crew respirators

WASHINGTON — Railroads will be required by the Federal Railroad Administration to provide respirators for train and engine workers hauling hazardous materials. The Rail Safety Improvement Act mandated that the FRA impose such a requirement through a rulemaking, which is [...]

Federal HSR aid now tops $10 billion

A new round of federal funding will aid development of 54 separate high-speed rail lines in 23 states, says the Department of Transportation. Those projects will share $2.4 billion in newly approved federal funding announced last week by Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. T [...]