Metro lines in dire need of repair; could close for 6 months

According to the Washington Post, Metro’s top officials warned that its transit system is in such great need of repair that entire rail lines may have to close for as long as six months. This could potentially impact thousands of daily commuters and worsen traffic congestion [...]

SMART TD & TTD, AFL-CIO joint Op-Ed on FRA Ruling

The Hill published an op-ed article co-written by John Previsich, President of SMART TD, and Ed Wytkind, President of TTD, AFL-CIO, that underscores the importance of the FRA’s recent ruling, and the vital need for a minimum of two crew members on all freight and passen [...]

FRA rolls out website redesign

The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) recently unveiled their website redesign. The site highlights numerous aspects of rail safety focused on the public, first responders and law enforcement. Click here to view the FRA’s upgraded site.

FAA proposes Rule to expedite safety upgrades for small aircraft

Rule would streamline approval of new technologies WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) today proposed a rule that overhauls the airworthiness standards for small general aviation airplanes. The FAA’s proposal, which is ba [...]

SMART TD supports FRA's efforts to clarify vision standards

On Monday, January 25, John Previsich, president of SMART Transportation Division, filed a letter with the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) in strong support of the FRA’s efforts to clarify vision standards and testing for locomotive engineers and conductors.  Read [...]