California and Oklahoma have their state safety oversight plans approved by FTA

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announced Oct. 23 that California and Oklahoma have obtained federal certification of their rail transit State Safety Oversight (SSO) programs. Federal law requires states with rail tran [...]

D.C. legislative update: More support for legislative priorities

Two legislative priorities gained support in early October. Democratic U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas (Dist. 30) is the latest legislator to sign up to support H.R. 6016 — the Bus Operator and Pedestrian Protection Act, which was introduced over the summer. The bill [...]

FRA reactivates safety advisory committee

A notice published in the Federal Register in late September announced that the Railroad Safety Advisory Committee (RSAC) would be rechartered for two years after a period of dormancy. RSAC advises the administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and makes recom [...]