UP boosts inspections in hazardous mountain passes

Faced with public concern about the risks of crude oil shipments, the Union Pacific railroad last month boosted its rail inspection program on mountain passes in California and the West, dispatching high-tech vehicles with lasers to check tracks for imperfections. UP official [...]

44 injured in Arkansas train collision

WASHINGTON COUNTY, Ark. – Forty-four people were injured as a passenger train collided with a freight train south of West Fork on Thursday morning (Oct. 16), according to the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management. Of those injured, five are in critical condition while t [...]

Two major rail operators may merge

Canadian Pacific Railway has approached and been rebuffed by CSX about a merger that could bring together two of the world’s largest railroad operators, according to a published report Sunday afternoon on the website of The Wall Street Journal. If a merger were negotiat [...]

Disgruntled employee steals train

A jaunt on a stolen train Thursday ended in a crash and possible federal felony charges for the 22-year-old driver. Derek Skyler Brux was charged Friday with reckless endangering, felony destruction of property and felony destruction, obstruction or removal of railroad track [...]