A Message of Thanks and Solidarity

As you probably already know, SMART reached an agreement with the Ontario Sheet Metal Contractors’ Association to renew the Sheet Metal ICI Collective Agreement this past week. All Ontario Local Unions involved ratified the agreement after the strike ended on June 29. On beha [...]

McClees Honored at 100 Year Anniversary

This past weekend, SMART SM Local 206 held their 100-year anniversary celebration in San Diego where SMART General Secretary Treasurer Richard McClees and the McClees family were honored with the naming of the hall on Saturday. Additionally, GST McClees, a former Local 206 Bu [...]

Veterans Get Chance At Career Through LA Program

Military veterans who have honorably transitioned into civilian life often don’t know what their next steps will be. Instead of doing a job to get by, a boot camp to introduce veterans to a career as a sheet metal worker is offered by the Southern California Sheet Metal JATC [...]

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Call Jim White at 717 579-3480.

Vince Alvarado To Head NM Federation of Labor

On March 20, the New Mexico Federation of Labor Executive Board unanimously appointed Vince Alvarado to lead the state labor federation as their new President. Brother Alvarado is the Business Manager and Financial Secretary for SMART Sheet Metal Workers’ Local 49, a po [...]