Ty Dragoo: On Making A Difference By Becoming A Convention Delegate Ty Dragoo is the Kansas State Legislative Director for SMART TD. From roll calls and speeches to flags and ticker tape, the national conventions are usually conventional pep rallies for the two majo [...]
Over 300 SMART Local 104 sheet metal workers employed at Simpson Strong-Tie in Stockton, California have been on strike since Thursday, September 5th, 2019. The men and women behind the production of Simpson Strong-Tie’s beloved fasteners, joints and other products are [...]
Delegates to the Second SMART General Convention have elected by acclamation Joseph Sellers, Jr. as General President and Joseph Powell as General Secretary-Treasurer on August 14, 2019. Sellers is a second-generation sheet metal worker who began his apprenticeship in 1980 at [...]
By: Todd Farally On June 4th, SMART General President Joseph Sellers and Assistant to the General President Joseph Powell visited Local 19 members working at the Penn First rack building facility and Wm. J. Donovan’s thermaduct shop in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Both men wan [...]
The newest issue of the SMART-SMACNA Partners In Progress magazine is online. In this issue are articles that discuss the steps being taken in securing government grants for industry efforts as well as a focus on diversity, architectural sheet metal training and steps being [...]
As you probably already know, SMART reached an agreement with the Ontario Sheet Metal Contractors’ Association to renew the Sheet Metal ICI Collective Agreement this past week. All Ontario Local Unions involved ratified the agreement after the strike ended on June 29. On beha [...]
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced up to $33.5 million for early-stage research and development of advanced building construction techniques to reduce energy bills. Combined, America’s 118 million homes and 5.6 million commercial buildings account for appro [...]
This past weekend, SMART SM Local 206 held their 100-year anniversary celebration in San Diego where SMART General Secretary Treasurer Richard McClees and the McClees family were honored with the naming of the hall on Saturday. Additionally, GST McClees, a former Local 206 Bu [...]
Come Nov. 7, Macon County, Ill.’s county government could be getting a SMART influx with two candidates with Transportation Division ties seeking office in the Nov. 6 elections. Lloyd Holman, a member of the SMART TD Alumni Association, is seeking a seat on the Macon Co [...]