At the First SMART General Convention in 2014, leaders pledged more efficient operations as well as to be more transparent, accountable and responsive to members. A communications survey is helping to fulfill those promises.Early in 2015, SMART polled members on outreach toda [...]
On July 17, President Barack Obama signed an Executive Order creating a Presidential Emergency Board to investigate and to make recommendations for settlement of the current disputes between the New Jersey Transit Rail and the NJT Rail Labor Coalition.The Executive Order esta [...]
Using underhanded moves and tactics that would make only someone like Scott Walker proud, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the Conservative Party leader, jammed a wide-ranging anti-union law through Parliament. The law forces unions – and nobody else — to disclos [...]
In Portland, Oregon, an age-restricted housing complex for lower income individuals will be modernized thanks to an investment from the AFL-CIO’s Housing Investment Trust (HIT). HIT announced $25.9 million of union and public pension funds would be going into the rehabilitat [...]
Updated: July 20, 2015 The open enrollment period for the Long Term Disability (VLTD) Plan has been extended an additional 30 days. Transportation Division members will now have until September 30, 2015 to open enroll in the plan. Further policy details are being finalized an [...]
Former President Bill Clinton recently visited the Daily Show to about the Clinton Global Initiative, specifically noting the success of a joint program he used to partner with building trades unions such as SMART which invested in fund resources to create retrofitting jobs f [...]
Ottawa, Ontario – To enhance railway safety and make the rail industry and crude oil shippers more accountable to Canadians, the Honorable Lisa Raitt, Minister of Transport, announced that the Safe and Accountable Rail Act has received Royal Assent. “I am so pleased to [...]
Railroad Retirement Act spouse and widow(er)s’ annuities (including divorced spouse, surviving divorced spouse and remarried widow(er)s’ annuities) are subject to reduction when social security benefits or dual railroad retirement annuities are also payable. Such [...]
SEATTLE, Wash. – North America’s second-largest freight railroad, Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC, must reinstate a train conductor and pay the man $536,063 in back pay, damages and attorney’s fees after a federal investigation found the rail operator retaliated [...]
If you want to carry crude oil in an older railroad car, it’s going to cost you. Fort Worth-based BNSF Railway, the largest U.S. crude-by-rail carrier, is offering lower rates to lug oil in cars that meet the latest federal specifications issued in May. That means the vast ma [...]