Canadian Prime Minister Launches Brazen Attack On Working Families

Using underhanded moves and tactics that would make only someone like Scott Walker proud, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the Conservative Party leader, jammed a wide-ranging anti-union law through Parliament. The law forces unions – and nobody else — to disclos [...]

Investing for Jobs In Oregon

In Portland, Oregon, an age-restricted housing complex for lower income individuals will be modernized thanks to an investment from the AFL-CIO’s Housing Investment Trust (HIT).  HIT announced $25.9 million of union and public pension funds would be going into the rehabilitat [...]

Long-term disability open enrollment begins June 29

Updated: July 20, 2015 The open enrollment period for the Long Term Disability (VLTD) Plan has been extended an additional 30 days. Transportation Division members will now have until September 30, 2015 to open enroll in the plan. Further policy details are being finalized an [...]