OSHA unveils high penalty map

The Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration has created a new webpage to identify high penalty cases in all U.S. states and territories. We hope this new resource will be helpful in your reporting on OSHA cases and initiatives. The map, which can b [...]

Man arrested for placing items on train tracks

HOMESTEAD, Pa. — A man was arrested Wednesday for allegedly placing items on railroad tracks in Homestead. According to the criminal complaint, an officer was crossing the railroad tracks when he noticed a struggle between two men.  One of the men flagged the officer down and [...]

School bus safest transportation for students

Over the next few weeks, nearly 50 million children will head back to school; more than 20 million of those students, including my daughter, will ride on a school bus. When I talk about how to safely transport children to and from school, and more specifically about school bu [...]

UMAC Article On Soccer Moms: The New Face Of Addiction

  A recent study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows new demographics of individuals abusing and becoming addicted to heroin in the United States: middle class females. The CDC study shows that more women who identified as “middle clas [...]