California Two Person Crew Bill Signed Into Law

On September 8, 2015, California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law legislation requiring that all freight trains and light engines are operated by a crew of at least two individuals. This critical legislation will protect SMART TD jobs, support the health of the Railroad R [...]

Labor Day Message From GP Sellers, GST McClees

This Labor Day, we recognize the incredible achievements of North America’s working people and celebrate the men and women whose hard work make our nations prosper. We recognize there are many who are frustrated because despite all the vital contributions we make, too many of [...]

Retired Vice President Real-Jean Proulx dies

Retired UTU Vice President Real-Jean Proulx, 91, died March 21, 2015 in Gatineau, Quebec. Proulx was a flight sergeant of the 6th Canadian Bomber Group of the Royal Canadian Air Force. After his military career, Proulx went to work for Canadian National Railway running trades [...]

PennDOT solicits comments on statewide rail plan

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) yesterday announced it has scheduled three open houses this month for the public to review a draft of an updated Pennsylvania State Rail Plan. The plan would establish a “clear vision” for the future of rail [...]

FRA announces $10 million in grants for crossings

WASHINGTON – The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) today announced that it is soliciting applications for $10 million in competitive grant funding available to states to improve highway-rail grade crossings and track along routes that transport energy products like crude [...]

Reminder: Long-Term Disability Open Until September 30

The open enrollment period for the Voluntary Long-Term Disability (VLTD) Plan has been extended an additional 30 days. Transportation Division members will now have until September 30, 2015 to open enroll in the plan. Further policy details are being finalized and will be pos [...]

BNSF impacted by northwestern wildfires

BNSF Railway Co. reported to its customers yesterday that it is experiencing an operational impact due to a track outage caused by wildfires in Essex, Mont. The Class I informed customers in an Aug. 31 service advisory that the railroad’s main track though the area was [...]