Video: Raising the Bar

Click on the image, or here, to view how local unions are “Raising the Bar” and responding to members, the community and the needs of the industry as SMART continues to grow and enhance its operations. This video looks at four locals in Seattle, Edmonton, New Mexi [...]

Verify Your Voter Registration Status

“Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting.” -Franklin D. Roosevelt   SMART has created an Election 2016 clearinghouse, specifically designed fo [...]

Duckworth Addresses SMART BA Conference

Congresswoman Tami Duckworth, currently running for U.S. Senate in Illinois, delivered a heartfelt and inspirational address on Tuesday at the SMART Sheet Metal Business Agents’ Conference in Chicago, IL. Her speech detailed not only the experience she faced when her he [...]

Label It Scan It Report It

The union labels are an essential tool for enforcing contracts and protecting jobs, wages, and benefits. Union officials work hard to negotiate the best contracts possible, and the labels are essential to protecting those contracts, union jobs, and wages. They play a central [...]

Member Assistance Program Grows

For decades, when a member of the International Association of Sheet Metal Air, Rail and Transportation Workers, or SMART, had a personal problem, they would turn to a fellow member for help. For small issues, friends and mentors dispensed good advice just fine. However, for [...]

Southwest/Gulf Coast Regional Council Formed

With large opportunities at hand, a new council will boost organizing and administrative efficiency for four Local Unions so members can gain growing work in a multi-state area. The Southwest/Gulf Coast Regional Council is Local 214, Baton Rouge; Local 68 of Dallas & Fort [...]