Baffoni: Progress on members' behalf

By Vic Baffoni Vice President, Bus Dept. Thank you to all who attended regional meeting workshops in Denver and Nashville, and those who made presentations. By the comments received, the workshops were a great success. Our bus workshops had the largest attendance in many year [...]

FAQs on member medical coverage

The SMART-TD Membership Services Department has compiled a list of frequently asked questions from SMART-TD rail members regarding medical-benefits coverage and has supplied appropriate answers to these questions. These questions pertain to coverage when an employee is workin [...]

UTU Alumni Association aids union’s retirees

The UTU Alumni Association is the new name of the program that serves retired members of the United Transportation Union. Established as the UTU Retiree Program by delegates in 1976 to aid union retirees and their families, the program most recently was called the UTU for Lif [...]

November 2008 brings UTU local elections

Now is the time of year that UTU members and everyone else across the country are seeing and hearing messages regarding voter registration and upcoming elections. While many will be focused on the candidates running for the U.S. presidency, November 2008 also brings UTU membe [...]

President Futhey's letter from Denver

Brothers & Sisters: I am writing this as I return from the Democratic National Convention in Denver. A high point of my week was an invitation-only luncheon with Michelle Obama and Jill and Joe Biden on Friday, Aug. 29. What a privilege it was to hear Michelle Obama speak [...]

Futhey: 'State of our union improving'

DENVER — “I will not stand down, I will not retreat and I will not surrender until our members have the right to vote on their own constitution,” UTU International President Mike Futhey told some 700 cheering UTU officers and members here at a regional meeti [...]

The danger of a 'no' vote on the agreement

Brothers and Sisters: In a few weeks, the tentative national rail agreement with the major carriers on wages, rules and working conditions will be distributed to affected members for a ratification vote. The negotiating committee recommends a “yes” vote, and on Ma [...]

Let's strengthen our DIPP fund

Brothers and Sisters: The UTU Discipline Income Protection Plan (DIPP) has remained steadfast in looking for ways to pay claims of participants. By contrast, other job benefit plans are looking for ways to AVOID paying claims. A pattern of harsh discipline imposed by the carr [...]

What are my rights if I'm injured in a hired van?

By Mark AllenCoordinator of UTU Designated Legal Counsel Railroad workers sometimes jokingly say they spend more time in vans than trains as railroads transport their workers using contract limousine services. As agents of the railroad, these companies may be held to the same [...]

NTSB's Hersman favors adequate rest

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Debbie Hersman is the first member of the 37-year-old National Transportation Safety Board to bring to the job a detailed knowledge of railroads, reports Railway Age magazine. Hersman was confirmed by the Senate in June following five years as a senio [...]