Riders resist driverless technologies in Chicagoland

While Metra and its workers received high praise from Chicagoans in a recent survey, the opposite is true for the use of automated or driverless technology on various modes of transportation. Read on to learn just how much the public prefers a human to an AI behind the wheel.

National Negotiations advance with NRLC meeting on Jan. 23

Thursday, January 23, President Ferguson, all TD Rail Vice Presidents and several General Chairpersons will present our case for a fair, more sustainable agreement as detailed by our members to the National Railway Labor Conference (NRLC). Read on to see our key priorities, meet the negotiating team and to keep up with other important details.

Union organizes holiday cheer throughout the nation

Whether it’s through food and toy drives in Illinois or a bike drive in Tennessee, SMART-TD locals are stepping up to ensure that those who might need a little extra help in their communities are able to experience the joy of the holidays. During this season of giving, they’re showing what it truly means to be a part of the SMART-TD union family.