Narcotics & sedatives: Take with caution

By Norman K. Brown UTU medical consultant There is an old saying among physicians that patients will lie more often about their drug usage and their sex lives than about any other topics. So, please, just give me the facts. What drugs was Michael Jackson taking when he died? [...]

We’ll fight with fire in belly for what’s right!

By UTU International President Mike Futhey We accept that managing employees isn’t a popularity contest. But it need not be an unpopularity contest. I share with each of you the concern over ratcheted-up harassment, intimidation and excessive discipline. There is no mor [...]

DIPP: Protect against payless paydays

By UTU General Secretary & Treasurer Kim Thompson One of the valuable UTU benefits provided our members is the Discipline Income Protection Program, or DIPP. The DIPP provides payment for a specific amount and period of time to an employee suspended, dismissed or removed [...]

Put PTC safety first, labor tells FRA

As the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) works toward having effective safety regulations in place for the operation of positive train control prior to its 2015 congressionally mandated implementation, the agency is reaching out for feedback to its early proposals. In fac [...]