Health care insurance premiums to rise

For rail employees covered under the health and welfare provisions of the national railroad agreement, health care insurance cost contributions rise beginning Jan. 1, from the current $170.96 per month to $200 monthly, owing to increases in health care costs under the plan. T [...]

Medicare Part B premiums announced

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has announced that the standard monthly Part B premium will be $110.50 in 2010. However, most Medicare beneficiaries will not see an increase in their monthly Part B premiums in 2010 because of a “hold-harmless” pro [...]

AFL-CIO & UTU: A powerful alliance

By UTU International President Mike Futhey The AFL-CIO convention that elected new leadership and placed the UTU on its ruling Executive Council is the beginning of a powerful cooperative atmosphere that will be good for organized labor and, in particular, for the UTU members [...]