Let’s strengthen our DIPP fund

Brothers and Sisters: The UTU Discipline Income Protection Plan (DIPP) has remained steadfast in looking for ways to pay claims of participants. By contrast, other job benefit plans are looking for ways to AVOID paying claims. A pattern of harsh discipline imposed by the carr [...]

Leaders report: Week one

Brothers and Sisters: This is another in a series of what will be many leadership messages to our membership. Our first week in office involved: Familiarizing ourselves with the day-to-day operation of the International; Assessing the financial condition of the UTU and the UT [...]

A new year, a new start

Brothers and Sisters: The membership of our union spoke through their delegates last August and chose a new team to lead us forward in these challenging times for labor unions. We accept that challenge and pledge today — as we pledged in August — to move the Unite [...]

Must I see doctors chosen by the railroad?

FELA Update By Mark Allen Coordinator of UTU Designated Legal Counsel I frequently hear about injured railroad workers who are confused by statements made to them by railroad claims department persons or supervisors that if they don’t see doctors chosen by the railroad, [...]