TSA expands to railroad stations

WASHINGTON – As hundreds of commuters emerged from Amtrak and commuter trains at Union Station on a recent morning, an armed squad of men and women dressed in bulletproof vests made their way through the crowds. The squad was not with the D.C. Police Department or Amtrak’s po [...]

Oil sands rail terminal to be built in Canada

Canadian midstream company Gibson Energy Inc and logistics provider U.S. Development Group (USDG) said on Tuesday they will build a 140,000-barrel-per-day terminal in Hardisty, Alberta, to ship oil sands crude by rail. The project would be the largest terminal for western Can [...]

Transportation bill’s demise points to 2014 stalemate

The collapse of U.S. transportation funding bills in both houses of Congress points to a broader stalemate over fiscal 2014 spending and threatens to extend across-the-board budget cuts into next year. Senate Republicans yesterday blocked a $54 billion measure funding highway [...]

Alaska Railroad CEO to step down

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — The chief executive officer of the state-owned Alaska Railroad is stepping down after his three-year contract expires in September. Chris Aadnesen announced his departure at a board of directors meeting July 30. Read the complete story at the Miami Herald.

Derailed train in La. carrying highly toxic substances

A train carrying highly flammable and corrosive materials derailed in Louisiana on Sunday. Over 100 homes have been evacuated as a precaution, Gov. Bobby Jindal said, adding there were no fatalities or injuries and air monitors have not picked up anything to cause concern. Ac [...]

Bus driver on cell phones crashes, baby killed

Authorities say a bus driver in northern New Jersey was talking on his cellphone when he crashed, triggering a chain reaction accident that killed an 8-month-old girl. Authorities have issued summonses for reckless driving and using a cellphone while driving for 48-year-old I [...]

Oil train safety rule delayed by one year

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration has delayed by nearly a year a plan to boost safety standards for the type of rail car involved in a fiery explosion that killed at least 47 people in Canada this month. Officials began work on the rule more than a year before an oil trai [...]