Local 240 to have union meeting Wednesday

Local Secretary & Treasurer Dale Biggs of SMART Transportation Division Local 240 at Los Angeles reports that the local’s next monthly meeting will be held Wednesday, April 9, at 7 p.m. at Ozzie’s Diner, upstairs. Biggs is compiling an email list to send out n [...]

Send message to our politicians: ‘Improve our wages’

By Bonnie Morr, Vice President, Bus –  As I travel around the country working on grievances, arbitrations, negotiations and labor agreements, as well as the health and well-being of our locals and our members, one underlying issue is always present: wages. Our wages are not k [...]

Mo. House to vote on right-to-work today

The Missouri House of Representatives plans to vote on right-to-work legislation today, April 2. State Legislative Director Ken Menges, asks that all Missourians call their state representatives today and tell them to vote no on right-to-work. “Tell your Representative [...]

Southwest Chief: Staying on track

Colorado’s Senate Transportation Committee will consider the bill to save the Amtrak Southwest Chief rail line at 2 p.m. Tuesday. The passenger rail route, which runs through. Southeastern Colorado, has been targeted by Amtrak for possible elimination in 2015 if funding for t [...]

Train operator in Chicago crash had fallen asleep

CHICAGO – The operator of a Chicago commuter train that crashed at O’Hare International Airport acknowledged she dozed off before the accident and had also done so last month when she overshot a station platform, a federal investigator said Wednesday (March 26). Before [...]