National rail contract ratified

A new national rail contract, delivering a 17 percent wage increase over 60 months (18.24 percent when compounded), a 78-month cap on health care insurance contributions, plus  improvements in health care benefits, has been ratified by solid margins by UTU members in each of [...]

National Rail Contract voting deadline: Sept. 2

The deadline for voting on the National Rail Contract is 4 p.m., Eastern time, Friday, Sept. 2. Votes may be cast by telephone around the clock. Voting packages, with information on the tentative agreement and voting instructions, including a telephone access code, were maile [...]

National Rail Contract: Facts to consider

Here are facts to consider when voting on the National Rail Contract: * The UTU negotiated a 17 percent general wage increase – 18.24 percent compounded — or more than 3 percent annually. * Compare this more than 3 percent annual wage increase (with no work rules giveba [...]