Local 1701, city at odds over pension pay

MONTEBELLO, Calif. – The city and its transit union are at odds over who pays for the employees’ share of pension costs. During the last year the city has paid its nontransit employees’ share of their pension costs but not for bus drivers, mechanics and service operators. The [...]

Thousands turn out for LIRR labor rally

On Saturday June 21, more than 3,000 unionized Long Island Rail Road workers and their supporters rallied for a new contract Saturday, June 21, demonstrating their resolve in achieving the recommendations of Presidential Emergency Board 245. Union officials from a variety of [...]

Long Island Railroad Workers To Take A Stand This Saturday

The International Association of Sheet, Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART) and its allied unions on the Long Island Rail Road urge all members, friends and supporters of organized labor to a “LIRR Labor Rally” on Saturday, June 21, at 11 a.m. at the Massapequ [...]

SMART Announces June 21 Rally in LIRR Dispute

The International Association of Sheet, Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers and its allied unions on the Long Island Rail Road invite members of organized labor and their family, friends and supporters to a “LIRR Labor Rally” on Saturday, June 21, at 11 a.m. at the Ma [...]

Re-enactment of Golden Spike ceremony May 10

PROMONTORY, Utah – A re-enactment ceremony on Saturday (May 10) will mark the 145 years that have passed since the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad. The annual May 10 re-enactment of the driving of the Golden Spike has been held since the railroad’s completio [...]

Local 240 to have union meeting Wednesday

Local Secretary & Treasurer Dale Biggs of SMART Transportation Division Local 240 at Los Angeles reports that the local’s next monthly meeting will be held Wednesday, April 9, at 7 p.m. at Ozzie’s Diner, upstairs. Biggs is compiling an email list to send out n [...]

North Dakota locals holding meetings in April

North Dakota locals will hold their annual Spring Swing meetings April 23-25, State Legislative Director James M. Chase reports. These meetings provide an excellent opportunity to learn about your benefits as a member and to visit with SMART Transportation Division officers, [...]