Reminder: COBRA subsidy extended

As reported in mid-April, the eligibility period for the COBRA subsidy was extended by Congress through May 31. COBRA is a federal program that permits those who lose their jobs and employer-provided health care to retain their health care through out-of-pocket payments equiv [...]

UBH boosts mental-health services

Beginning in April and continuing through June, a new “point of entry” program will be available for participants covered under the Railroad Employees National Health and Welfare Plan or the National Railway Carriers/United Transportation Union Plan sponsored by t [...]

Health care reform: Now!

By UTU International President Mike Futhey I agree with President Obama regarding health care legislation: “Let us find a way to come together and finish the job for the American people.” We, as a nation, Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and liberals ̵ [...]

Colon cancer: Don’t be a victim

March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, and here are some things you should know. Colon cancer is usually found in people age 50 or older, and the risk of getting it increases with age. If you are covered by private health insurance or Medicare, you can get colon [...]

Flex benefits plan ending for UTU-E members

UTU engineer members covered for employee and/or dependent health care under the Railroad Employees’ National Health and Welfare Plan, and who may have elected to participate in the National Flexible Benefits Program, will no longer be able to participate in the program [...]

Insurance covers H1N1 vaccine

Vaccine for the highly contagious H1N1 virus (commonly called “swine flu”) is now being released to the public as supplies become available. The information below will help you decide if you should obtain the vaccine. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [...]